Why I Used Jekyll theme for my portfolio

Procrastination Vs Me

I have struggled a lot with procrastination when it comes to making my portfolio website, the previous website I had was designed by me a while ago (4 years to be precise) and for a loooooong while, I’ve been wanting to redesign everything and start writing blog posts. Although this wasn’t something I couldn’t do, what dificult for me was to just get started, and there was always this other thing that I could find to indulge in rather than starting to work on the website

“I would gladly play the guitar, play around in Unity” - My Lazy Inside

As the spring semester(yes, I’m a student) came to an end, I was determinant to get the website sorted once and for all, after just after sketching down multiple design/layout ideas, and getting my homepage ready, I got a bit complacent and decided to take a break and reward myself for getting A’s.

During this break I realized I had accumulated a lot things to write about and it would be atleast few more days before I could get my stack ready to be hosted, and I somehow thought I would again get complacent because I don’t want spend money right now to host my application, at least not until i force myself to get into the habit of writing everyday.

Sometimes getting started with what you have is better than building everything from scratch

I knew about jekyll for a long time now, but was sceptical because my inner voice would say why not just built my own, you lazy bum, and I knew it doesn’t work(damn procrastination). Every night i would go to sleep hating myself for not doing what I ever-so-badly-needed to do Today i woke up with two main objectives in mind:

  1. However possible publish the first blog post
  2. Get some butter (I now realize how this is irrelevant)

I looked up a few jekyll themes, got confused with minimal-mistakes and portfolYOU

I Flipped a coin, got portfolYOU and configured it a bit and here I am, with my first blog post!

Future goals

I am still developing my own application and will migrate to it as soon as it is feasible


I am a little lazy sometimes, got to work with jekyll to get my lazy self to start working as soon as possible